Family Based Immigration Lawyer

When it comes to immigrating to the U.S., family-based immigration is the most common route. U.S. immigration law permits U.S. citizens as well as Green Card holders, or lawful permanent residents, to sponsor certain relatives for permanent or temporary visas.
An experienced family immigration lawyer at Martinez Immigration will help you navigate the complex immigration system and guide you through the process.
Book a consultation with a family based immigration lawyer today.
What is a Family-Based Immigration Lawyer?
A family-based immigration lawyer helps clients become permanent U.S. residents through their family relationships. Protecting your rights as an immigrant and uniting your family is our first priority.
Services Offered by a Family-Based Immigration Lawyer
Among the services offered by a family-based immigration lawyer are consultations and case evaluations. After reviewing your case, we can determine the best path for your relative to proceed based on their individual situation. For instance, if your relative overstayed their legal entry or is in the nation illegally, they must likely return to their home country to begin the immigration process.
We will ensure that all of the necessary documentation is completed and filed. A family-based immigration lawyer will help you with the application, answer all your questions, and keep you up to date on the application’s progress.
Learn how a family based immigration attorney can help your case today.
Different Types of Visas Available
The different types of family-based visas include:
Immediate Relative Visas
These visas are available for close relatives of U.S. citizens, such as:
- R1 and CR1 visas for spouses
- IR2 visa for unmarried children under age 21
- IR5 visa for parents
Book a consultation with a family based immigration lawyer today.
Unlike other types of visas, there is no annual limit set regarding the number of immigrants who may enter the U.S. on an Immediate Relative visa.
Family Preference Visas
A certain number of these visas are set aside annually for other relatives of U.S. citizens, including unmarried children over age 21, married children, and siblings. For permanent legal residents, family preference visas include the F2A for their spouse and unmarried children under 21, and the F2B for unmarried children over 21.
Note that grandparents, in-laws, aunts, and uncles, or cousins are not eligible to sponsor a relative for immigration. Due to backlog, the waiting period for a family preference visa is often several years. That is why it is crucial to file an application as soon as possible.
Speak with a family based immigration lawyer, today.
Fiancé Visas:
These non-immigrant visas include the K1 for the fiancées of U.S. citizens and the K2 for the individual’s minor children. The fiancé may apply for a Green Card after entering the U.S.
Representation at Immigration Hearings
Your family immigration attorney represents you at immigration hearings. Keep in mind that only licensed attorneys can represent you in court, meaning immigration consultants, document preparers, and other non-lawyers cannot provide you with trusted legal advice.
It’s important to know that in immigration court, there is no right to a government-appointed counsel.
Learn how a family based immigration lawyer can help your case today.
Contact a Family Immigration Lawyer
Whether you are a current immigrant or a non-immigrant in need of an immigration lawyer, Martinez Immigration can help. Your case is important to us. Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation today.
We got you covered!
No Matter What your immigration needs or questions are…
We take great pride in providing immigration services to our clients. Our mission to reunite families drives us to succeed.